Ryan Howard’s suit vs Al Jazeera continues, but will it expose steroid use?

If you’ve been a Phillies fan for a few years, you’ll probably remember this story from the days when Ryan Howard was still a recent player of the Phils. Ryan has been away from the Phillies now since 2016 when he played 112 games for the team. Back in January of 2016, it became known that Ryan Howard and Ryan Zimmerman had filed defamation lawsuits against Al Jazeera, which ran a video report on baseball and other sports stars in major leagues and steroids. The report on Al Jazeera America appeared in December of 2015.

It seems that the case has been taking forever to worm its way through the courts but now it has been said that Al Jazeera has in its possession a sealed envelope of documents showing that both Howard and Zimmerman may have been purchasing illegal substances.

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Will this be something that may cause the players embarrassment, and proving that the report that was aired on different sports players being linked to illegal steroids are in fact correct, or will the players be victorious, it’s very interesting to Howard fans.

Now, more than 5 years after the suit was filed it seems like we may be seeing more about this case and more facts about it.

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