Mackanin optimistic despite losses, Phils renew his contract

Shocked that the Phils would extend Mackanin

Pete Mackanin is apparently unaware that the Phillies have only won two of their last 12 games. Yesterday afternoon after the game at the post-game interview he was remaining optimistic that this team was scoring runs and everything would be okay.
The truth of the matter is right now this team can get no worse, the bullpen is extremely flawed, starting pitching is not delivering consistently, the really only bright spot is that the Phillies have scored 15 runs in the last two games, but they were soundly beaten in both games.
Unbelievably as I’m writing this post it just came over the news wire that Pete Mackanin has been signed to a two-year extension on his deal. 
This can only mean the more poor performances and unbelievably bad decisions to come out of the dugout as they have this year and all of last year. Relief pitchers don’t know their role on this team because Mackanin has no clue with what he’s doing with the relievers.
All this is just fine with new Phillies management who have really made a big surprise with this announcement and keeping Mackanin on the job. 
Maybe they feel Phillies fans are like sheep and will follow whatever management thinks is best for this team but I think the fan revolt is not far away with the kind of baseball we’ve been seeing from this team.
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