Hellickson getting a $17 Million dollar deal, just say no

Let Hellickson walk, he’s not worth a $17M deal for one season

Just after the season ended, I was thinking it could be good to have Jeremy Hellickson around for at least another year on this Phillies rotation. In the past week or so, my thoughts about that have changed. Hellickson, who is represented by Scott Boras, should be allowed to pursue his free agent dreams and land somewhere else.

The thought of even offering him a deal for one year and $17M is just absurd, he’s not that good of a pitcher. That’s a lot of money, I’d rather see the team spend that money in other ways on a decent outfielder.

How did it happen when a pitcher is just a .500 type of pitcher qualify for all of this money? Hellickson is 61-58 over 7 full seasons. That’s hardly the type of numbers that should be getting you all those millions of dollars to pitch.

Hellickson had 4 games in which the Phillies scored only 1 run for him this past season, a lot of the other games though, they scored plenty when he was on the mound. At the least he should have won about 16 or more games on this Phillies team, but he didn’t. He went out there and was giving up 4, 5, and more runs per game a lot of times. He ended up with a 3.71 ERA on the year. Those kind of numbers aren’t magical.

Boras seems to think his clients are the best to ever play the game, let them go elsewhere and have another team shell out a lot of money and not get that much back in return for it. The Phils are in a tough spot though, they wouldn’t get anything for him if they just let him walk, at least if they offered him the $17M and he refused, they would be getting a draft pick for him. Is he worth $17M for one season, not in my opinion.

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