This photo of Jonathan Papelbon wins the day. (h/t @ashpapelbon58)
— NBC Sports (@NBCSports) December 10, 2013
Ashley Papelbon, Jonathan’s wife, sent out a humorous but entirely proper holiday photo via twitter the other day, and here Jonny Paps looks like he’s got the holiday spirit. Much happier than he looks on the field, even after a game, he’s got some strange smirk on his face usually. Is Papelbon just an award winning actor where he can turn different personalities on or off at will?
Hopefully Papelbon will be staying in the Phillies fold for at least another season. It’s the holiday time, let bygones be bygones and let’s get this team fired up as Ruben Amaro said yesterday that the Phillies are ‘Built to Win’ and yes they are! Now, they just have to go back on the field and show us.