Monday Bookshelf: The Philly Fan’s Code by Mike Tanier

It’s the story you’ve been wanting to read. The Philly Fan’s Code by Mike Tanier, is a book that I really liked reading. The book came out in the Fall of 2011, but if you haven’t checked this book out yet, it’s getting to be the season when you may be down at the shore, and need a good book to keep you company on the beach. This is a good book to do just that.

In this book, Mike writes about the 50 toughest, craziest, and most legendary athletes on Philadelphia team in the past 50 years, so there is a lot of players that we can relate to. Give it a read, there may be some players in the book you haven’t heard about for some time now.

Mike Tanier covers football, baseball, and the wacky side of sports for the New York Times among other writing endeavours.

The Phillies are off today, getting ready for the Indians on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Buy the book here

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